(312) 313-9777 | 3425 S Martin Luther King Drive Chicago, IL 60616
Time For A Spring Cleaning

Time For A Spring Cleaning

King Dental in Bronzeville has a great new patient offer for kids. For just $49, your child can get an exam, cleaning and x-rays.

If you have PPO dental insurance, your cleaning and your child’s cleaning and exams may be FREE! Call our office so we can check your insurance benefits. We are “In Network” with most PPO dental insurance plans.  We are happy to help.

Benefits of An Apple A Day

Benefits of An Apple A Day

Did you know that the high water content in apples helps stimulate the flow of saliva?  This protects against tooth decay (cavities) by washing away food particles and buffering acid!

Apples have a number of nutritional benefits that promote overall good health including:

  • apples are high in fiber which aids in digestion
  • apples support a healthy immune system
  • apples have soluble fiber which helps  improve blood sugar levels
  • promotes weight loss because the high fiber content that fills you up

So King Dental recommends adding an apple a day to your child’s snack break or lunch break.

PS> If you have toddlers at home, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that you make thin slices for safety.



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