(312) 313-9777 | 3425 S Martin Luther King Drive Chicago, IL 60616

The doctors and staff at King Dental are celebrating Gum Health Month.  During your dental examinations, the doctor will examine your gums visually and take x-rays to see the soft tissue and bone under your gums.  Healthy gums have the following characteristics:  Pink color, stippled orange peel surface, firm to the touch, the edges where the gums meet the crown of the tooth are flat.

Conversely, gums that are inflamed are red, glossy, spongy, soft, and bulbous. Your gums may bleed when you brush and floss. Each of these are signs that you may have an active infection.

Schedule an appointment for a dental examination to get a check-up for your gum health.  King Dental is open 6 days a week with evening and Saturday appointments available.

We have valuable new patient coupons as well.



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